Subclassing Widgets#
All widgets should inherit from the BaseWidget
Widget Class Template#
Here is the template for the widget that you want to override.
with the actual name of the widget.
from gi.repository import Gtk, GObject
from ignis.base_widget import BaseWidget
class WIDGET_NAME(Gtk.WIDGET_NAME, BaseWidget):
__gtype_name__ = "IgnisWIDGET_NAME"
__gproperties__ = {**BaseWidget.gproperties} # this need to inherit properties from BaseWidget
def __init__(self, **kwargs): # accept keyword arguments
# if you want to override enums, do it BEFORE BaseWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs)
# otherwise, the property will be set before it is overridden.
self.override_enum("SOME_PROPERTY", SOME_ENUM)
self._custom_property = None # define protected/private variables for your custom properties BEFORE BaseWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs)
BaseWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs) # this sets all properties transferred to kwargs
def custom_property(self) -> bool:
return self._custom_property
def custom_property(self, value: bool) -> None:
self._custom_property = value