Dynamic content ================= Static text can be boring, so let's add some dynamic elements! .. code-block:: python import datetime from ignis.widgets import Widget from ignis.utils import Utils def update_label(clock_label: Widget.Label) -> None: text = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S") clock_label.set_label(text) def bar(monitor: int) -> Widget.Window: clock_label = Widget.Label() Utils.Poll(1000, lambda x: update_label(clock_label)) return Widget.Window( namespace=f"some-window-{monitor}", monitor=monitor, child=Widget.Box( vertical=True, spacing=10, child=[clock_label], ), ) This code updates label every second with the current time (using built-in Python module ``datetime``). Signals ------------- Polling data every second isn't always ideal, as it can negatively impact performance. This is where **signals** are useful. Signals let us call a callback only when an event occurs (like ``on_click`` in ``Widget.Button``). Let's consider services, which often have both **signals** and **properties**. Here's an example using the :class:`~ignis.services.mpris.MprisService`: .. code-block:: python from ignis.service.mpris import MprisService mpris = MprisService.get_default() mpris.connect("player_added", lambda x, player: print(player.desktop_entry, player.title)) # ^ ^ # Signals always pass the GObject they belong to as the first argument to the callback. # In this case, MprisPlayer is the second argument of the signal. Now, open any media player (like a video on YouTube or music on Spotify). Magic! The player name and title will be printed. .. hint:: To manually emit (trigger) a signal, use the ``.emit()`` method and pass the signal name to it. Binding ----------- Next, let's **bind** a property. Use the ``.bind()`` method, passing the property name as the first argument, and optionally a **transform** function. .. code-block:: python from ignis.services.audio import AudioService from ignis.widgets import Widget audio = AudioService.get_default() def bar(monitor: int) -> Widget.Window: return Widget.Window( namespace=f"some-window-{monitor}", monitor=monitor, child=Widget.Box( child=[ Widget.Label(label="Current volume: "), Widget.Label( label=audio.speaker.bind("volume", lambda value: str(value)) # this function converts the value to a string ) ] ), ) Try changing the speaker volume using a tool like ``pavucontrol``. When the property changes, the transform function (if provided) will be called with the new value, and it should return the processed result. ``notify`` signal ------------------ The ``notify`` is a special signal that emits when a property changes. To connect to it, use the following syntax: ``"notify::PROPERTY-NAME"``. .. danger:: Make sure to use ``-`` instead of ``_`` in the property name. Otherwise, the signal will not be triggered. .. code-block:: python mpris.connect("notify::players", lambda x, y: print(x.players))