Creating Service#

All services should inherit from the BaseService class.

Here is simple template for service.

from ignis.base_service import BaseService

class ExampleService(BaseService):
    def __init__(self):
        # do other stuff here

Creating D-Bus Service#

We will use DBusService in this template. - Use PascalCase for D-Bus methods and properties naming. - Also make D-Bus methods/properties private (add __ before name).

from gi.repository import Gio, GLib
from ignis.base_service import BaseService
from ignis.dbus import DBusService

class ExampleService(BaseService):
    def __init__(self):
        self.__dbus = DBusService(...)
        self.__dbus.register_dbus_method("MyMethod", self.__MyMethod)
        self.__dbus.register_dbus_property("MyProperty", self.__MyProperty)

    def __MyMethod(self, invocation: Gio.DBusMethodInvocation, param1: str, param2: int, *args) -> GLib.Variant:
        print("do something")
        return GLib.Variant("(is)", (42, "Hello world!"))

    def __MyProperty(self) -> GLib.Variant:
        return GLib.Variant("(b)", (False,))